Counter strike hide and seek
Counter strike hide and seek

counter strike hide and seek

Has it been a while since you last played CS? The franchise has existed for 12 years, so at this point you could have last played in 6th grade and since graduated college, gotten married, and had your first kid by now – so we’ll excuse your rusty skills if you are bouncing the new kid on your lap as you play. Plant the bomb, defuse the bomb, kill a guy – it all helps. These are small intense maps that remove the buy round at the start and throw players right into the action. If you do actually play first person shooters but maybe haven’t played much Counter-Strike or it has been a bit – try Demolition Mode. If you do that, you better take a screen shot and post it on the CS:GO Game Hub – otherwise no one will believe you. You get a golden knife – then what? Stab a guy and win the game. There are some things that happen at the end with a knife if you are the top player in kills, but do you really think that is going to happen? Okay, let’s pretend it does.

counter strike hide and seek

Every time you kill one, you get a new weapon. A good intro that isn’t about map strategy, team goals, etc – is Arms Race. If you have never played a first person shooter – first, what’s wrong with you? You have been missing out. So you don’t get overwhelmed, let’s break down the game modes and give you a suggestion on where to start based on your skill level.įor everyone, a good first stop is the Weapon Course where you will get some quick tips and training on new mechanics. We have expanded the game with new characters, new weapons, new maps, and new game modes. All weekend you can play the complete game.ĬS:GO is more than just the best looking CS. You can click this link, visit this page, or launch steam and start downloading the game now. Starting today at 10am until Sunday at 1pm PST – Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is free.

Counter strike hide and seek